This sample demonstrates various client side object models and API that are availabe
in WebNavPane control. The rich object models and API are useful for extending the
functionalities of WebNavPane to suit your application requirements.
Click the following button to experiment with the API:
Obtains the WebNavPane Object using ISGetObject(). You can use this function to
retrieve any other IntersoftComponents objects.
Get the Current Active WebNavBar
Activate Calendar WebNavBar
Get the Current Active WebNavBarItem. Please activate the Mail WebNavBar to perform
Change Caption of WebNavBar "Mail" to "My Mail"
Disable WebNavBar "Contacts"
Enable WebNavBar "Contacts"
Perform click action on WebNavBar "Mail". Try clicking other WebNavBar first before
executing this action.
Perform click action on WebNavBarItem "Mail1"
To learn more object model and API available in WebNavPane, refer to