This sample demonstrates varous client side object model and API availabe in WebTab control. The rich object models and API are useful to extend the functionalities of WebTab to suit your application requirements.

This window is using InlineContent mode (Default).

When using this mode, you can use any ASP.NET server controls inside this Window's content.

This is a label:

Click the following button to experiment with the API:
Obtains the WebTabObject using ISGetObject(). You can use this function to retrieve any other IntersoftComponents objects.
Obtains the active tab in WebTab.
Set ActiveTab to Tab named "IFrame". The Tab will move to the "IFrame" Tab
Disable Tab named "InlineContent". The Tab will become disabled.
Enable Tab named "InlineContent". The Tab will become enabled.
Change "InlineContent" Tab's Caption Text
Change the Image for "IFrame" Tab
Change ContentURL for "IFrame" Tab

To learn more object model and API available in WebTab, refer to WebDesktop.NET Documentation >> Client Side Reference >> Class Library